Monday, January 4, 2010

Zombies, Bikinis, and Hot Chicks

So I just finished watching the movie Onechanbara. Now this is a live action videogame movie about Aya searching for her little sister Saki, so she can kill her. Now this movie was only entertaining because 1. it had zombies, 2. the main character was super hot and fought with a sword in a bikini, and 3. i just kinda like really bad zombie flicks. Now if you take this movie seriously then it is a complete failure like many live action videogame movies ie. Street Fighter (all of them), Double Dragon, Super Mario Bros, and the many more I can't think of. This movie was terrible, but I just couldn't stop myself from smiling and laughing. So, if your in the mood for a good B-grade zombie flick with half naked heroine, then definitely check it out.